Bitcoin is $26,573 while Ethereum is $1,586 and DOGE is 6 cents
Bitcoin sits at $27,150 while Ethereum is $1,620 and LINK is $6,9
The OG is $27,221 while Ethereum is $1,640 and SOL is 20 bucks
The Orange Corn is $26,839 while Ethereum is $1,642 and XRP is 50 cents
Head Honcho Bitcoin is sitting at $26,570 and ETH is $1,631 while ADA is 24 cents
El grande Bitcoin is sitting at $26,480 while Ethereum is $1,630 and XRP is 50 cents per coin
The Orange Coin is trending up @ $26,626, Ethereum is $1,636 and AAVE is $54 per coin
The Golden Coin $26,200 and Vitalik's ETH is $1,604 while DOGE is $0.06 per doggy coin
Bitcoin got back to $26,105 and Ethereum is hovering at $1,600 while MATIC is 50 cents a coin
Bitcoin is slumping towards $25,168 while Ethereum is $1,560 and Solana is $17,90 per coin
El grande Bitcoin is sitting at $25,840's while Ethereum is $1,640 and $XRP is fiddy cents a pop!
The Golden Coin is $25,900 per coin while Ethereum is $1,640 and XRP is 50 cents per coin